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1400 € / 2900 €
up to 12 people
6 month
The program offers 6 months of comprehensive support, including professional consultations on project creation and completion, along with individual materials to ensure all tasks reach the desired level and address relevant questions. The theoretical material is specially adapted based on participants' portfolios.
The Curatorship Program
· 2 times in month · 1400
group meetings
12 valuable lectures and individual consultations that will revolutionize your understanding of the art market and provide an opportunity to elevate your skills.
Providing individual materials that will help bring all tasks to the required level and find answers to pressing questions. Theoretical material will be based on the participants' portfolio and specially adapted.
Program Features:
Participants receive monthly theoretical materials to work on their projects and perform practical tasks to reinforce each theoretical block.

Each block includes practical meetings where participants discuss current assignments and creative projects.

The program aims to develop an individual creative strategy, covering positioning, client communication, selling at exhibitions and international art fairs, and working with clients on the international market.
For whom?
The program is designed for those striving for professional results and immediate action. It targets experienced authors with a strong portfolio aiming to manage the sales of their work effectively and engage professionally in the art world.
What will you learn?
Participants will gain in-depth knowledge about the art business and market and analyze reputable competitions, art residencies, festivals, galleries, museums, grants, and fairs globally. They will learn to effectively cooperate with these entities, organize exhibitions, sell art photography, interact with gallery owners and publishers, set short- and long-term goals, focus on strategy, and attract investments.
Дмитрий Богачук
Известный фотограф, искусствовед, преподаватель фотографии. Участник выставок в Европе, США.
Член Фонда культурной дипломатии.
unique components of the program:
  • An introductory individual meeting before the program begins includes an in-depth analysis of each participant's portfolio, covering approximately 100 works.
  • In-depth master class and a step-by-step strategy for selling photos for €100,000.
  • Authors of the best projects will receive a portfolio review from a renowned gallery owner from the USA.
  • A photo exhibition will be organized in a gallery with curatorial support at the end of the program (the country will be selected as part of the program).
  • The best photo project will be published as an art book, with the winner selected and published by the publisher.
  • Practical tasks focused on promoting participants' work and prospects for creative development.

course program
The first month:
Strategic planning
In the first month, attention is paid to strategic planning, forming the artist's image, positioning and increasing the recognition of the author and the project in the art world. Aspects of the power of the author's brand, the search for uniqueness, time management and personal effectiveness are considered. Participants perform practical tasks to promote their work and develop a competitive strategy. A practical task aimed at promoting their work and developing a competitive strategy.
The second month:
Sale of works
Sale of works, a master class and a step-by-step strategy for selling photographs for 100,000 euros, CRM for the artist, partnership and creativity, preparation and presentation of the project (portfolio), and ways to achieve success. A practical task aimed at effective sales of your work.
The third month:
Photography and business
The international market, market selection and strategy for entering the international market, organizing your exhibition at a fair in the USA or Europe, communicating with clients and collectors, formalities and nuances of selling works at exhibitions and foreign art fairs. A practical task.
The fourth month:
Work with gallery
Gallery and intermediary, cooperation with the gallery, attracting the gallery's attention and creating a professional offer, online sales strategy, analysis of online sites for the sale of works. A practical task aimed at finding a gallery for collaboration.
The fifth month:
Open calls
Professional work with open calls, including creating an Artist Statement, a project description, and participation in competitions, photo festivals, fairs, and residencies. Promotion tools and online sales strategies. Grants and project financing. A practical task.

The sixth month:
Publishing a book
the book industry from A to Z, publishing and promoting an art book, and cooperating with publishers. A practical task.
Final practical meeting: Discussion of all projects and resolution of all issues.
Social media
PR and SMM: publications in print and online media.
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and social media for the artist. A practical task for creating art content.
Creating a website for an artist
Existing platforms
Revision of ready-made sites
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